Hong Kong’s Saga : A Part Of Proxy – War Between China VS Us And Allies
Jakarta, Rakyat News – In the contemporary situations or recently global progress facts, many facts have shown that the rivalry between “two global boss” China and the United States are still increasing and simmering. Both of two countries have played “proxy-war” actors on several global disputes on security, politic and economic matter.
Hongkong’s saga has indicated most of “an international player” including state and non state actor have been participating in Hongkong’s turnoil and simmering security and political situations.
From several open sources, we can track “the history of Hongkong’s riots” over protest and resistency on the new security bill which have allowed the extradition of criminal suspects from Hongkong to China has been starting and “having snow balling efects” since on October 23, 2019, Hong Kong authorities officially withdrew the extradition bill that has sparked months-long massive protests and violent riots across the city. The bill, which would have allowed the extradition of criminal suspects from Hong Kong, China’s self-governing territory, to mainland China triggered massive protests in summer.
Protesters and human rights campaigners feared that Beijing may use the legislation to target dissidents. While some rallies remained peaceful, others spiraled into widespread rioting and fierce clashes with police.
On November 10, 2019, Hong Kong police dispersed protesters on Connaught Road in Central district, according to local media. A tear gas canister fired by the officers accidentally hit a fire truck, which was called to the scene to douse fires that protesters often start with petrol bombs.
The radical wing of the protest has disrupted life in the city by vandalizing public transport and local businesses they see as pro-government, causing an economic slowdown. The Chinese government alleges that the rioting campaign may be fueled by foreign forces.

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